Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Déjà Re-vued

The annual event
has come again: the glowing
children still flit by;

The lovers kiss; my
securely coupled friends still
drink their beer; and I

Am alone, but the
moon is on fire; the music
has changed from salsa

To jazz, and though I
share the children's rainbows, I
do not dance this year.

20- 27 July 2008

This is the "sequel" to last year's "Salsa in the Park", and shares its structure of four haiku. I wasn't able to make each haiku a complete verse, even though I tried really hard, but maybe that's part of the point of the poem, that some things have changed and some things have remained the same. It's really about how it's now over a year since everything happened in April 2007, and so some annual events are now coming round for the second time. Other possible titles are: "Second Time Round", "Presque D
éjà" Vu", and "Jazz in the Park".

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