Saturday, February 23, 2008


You are far away,
Yet you still stick pins in a
Doll who looks like me.

28 May 2007

And this was written the day after"Jenga". It obviously knocked me back a bit... I like this one, cos it seems simple, but uses a lot of alliteration and assonance.


You keep pulling the
Blocks out from under me. I
Sway, but do not fall.

27 May 2007

I wrote this the day I made some even more shocking discoveries about my husband.

In case you don't know (and a few people didn't), Jenga is a game where you build a tower of layers of 3 wooden blocks. You then take turns to pull out blocks in the lower levels, and put them on top. The tower obviously gets more and more wobbly, and the winner is the person who had the last successful go, before the tower collapses.

Terra Incognita

I still cling to the
Coast of our bed, and fear to
Explore its dark heart.

14 May 2007

In case you don't know, the title is the Latin for “unknown country”, and old maps often had it written where people didn't know what was there, esp. in Africa. Hence the allusion to “Heart of Darkness”: bit too clever perhaps?

One in the Bed

I still sleep on my
Side of the bed. When will I
Move to the middle?

1 May 2007

This is the first of several poems where I write a “simple” one, and then develop it a few weeks later. This one has had a lot of resonance for a lot of people.

Children’s Ward

Her son is having
Chemo, yet she weeps when I
Tell her my story.

26 April 2007

A totally true event. Occasionally, when I feel a bit sorry for myself, I remember this...

Changing the Sheets

Now that the last thing
Which smelled of you has gone, for
Ever has begun.

15 April 2007

This cld actually apply to a bereavement too, where the writer misses the other person.

Into the Light

In the dark, a seed,
Watered by its own tears, I
Become a flower.

13 April 2007

Looking back, it seems that I got to this stage awfully quickly.


Without a Parachute

You pushed me from the
Plane. I long to hit the ground,
So the fear will end.

9 April 2007

Written the first night, when everything exploded.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Earlier "general" poems, with notes


My orange toenails
Hide inside my sandals, like
Fruit-gums in their box.

8 August 2007

My sister treated me to a pedicure! I wanted to have “waiting in their box”, and cldn't see what else to cut to keep it a haiku. Does that matter?

The next five poems, are ones I have written for my creative writing ”workshops” with my friend, Paula. Sometimes, they're “homework”, and sometimes, they're done “on the spot”.

Pizza Oven

The flaming tongue licks
Each round mouthful, till it melts,
And is spat out – hot.

17 September 2007

This one was just “observational”, in a wine bar which serves pizza. We actually gave our efforts to the manager, who seemed stunned, but appreciative!

Dim Sum

Crispy-soft; dry-wet;
Savoury-sweet. Parcels of
Contrast: Yin and Yang.

30 September 2007

This was homework, and we'd chosen the theme of Food. I had been to the terracotta army exhibition, followed by dim sum, earlier that day.


Fingers become eyes,
When the blind man reads a love
Poem to his wife.

1 October 2007

This was “on the spot”, and we'd chosen the theme of Touch, as it sort of followed on from Food (5 senses).



Jenny is lonely
Every day, but
Never regrets saying:

No more” to

Again, on the spot. We decided to do something totally technical. It is interesting, how, like the Proverbial poem earlier, they end up surprisingly poignant. This shld strictly be in the Divorce poems, but it's not a Haiku or a tanka!


Paula floats
Along her life
Under an eternal sun. She does not merely
Live – she is

1 October 2007

The 3rd line is a bit long, but who cares?

The Postman Passes

I follow the trail
Of red rubber bands,
That he has dropped.

They have fallen
In every possible, looped shape:
ale genitalia.

I worry about the birds
As they destroy
His way home.

22 February 2008

I seem to be obsessed with things I see on pavements at the moment... Obviously, hints of Hansel and Gretel, and (in the title) "Pippa Passes" by Browning...

Later Divorce Poems, without notes (so far...)

Dark Day Facial

My flailing heartbeat
Slows under the beautician's
Fluttering fingers.

Les Mains Sales

My flesh rots, where your
Hands touched me; and the gangrene
Spreads beyond my skin.

12 October 2007

Imitating Art

Upstairs, the police
Seize evidence, while I watch

CSI” downstairs.

17 October 2007

First Christmas

The cards are coming
In – some still addressed to you
And me. I put the
Goats on the piano, and
The sheep on the mantelpiece.

12 December 2007

False Economy

The Christmas cards,
Bought cheap in the January sales,
Sit unwritten in the hall:

When I opened
Their box, loft-stored for eleven months,
I found you had pre-signed them,
Before carrying them up:
To avoid my Advent nagging.

Final draft: 20 January 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Not By Bread Alone

My son stops eating,
To read a poem on the
Wall of the wine bar.

16 October 2007


Fingers become eyes,
When the blind man reads a love
Poem to his wife.

1 October 2007

Dim Sum

Crispy-soft; dry-wet;
Savoury-sweet. Parcels of
Contrast: Yin and Yang.

30 September 2007

Pizza Oven

The flaming tongue licks
Each round mouthful, till it melts,
And is spat out – hot.

17 September 2007


My orange toenails
Hide inside my sandals, like
Fruit-gums in their box.

8 August 2007

Salsa in the Park

The firefly children
Flit, garlanded in glowing,
Rainbow necklaces.

The young couples kiss,
Swaying to the hot music,
Under the rum-soaked moon.

My friends, who still brought
Me this year, chat beer-handed
With next-door neighbours.

Wrapped in my fraying,
Tartan, school blanket, I dance
Alone in the wind.

21 July 2007

One in the Proverbials

Look before you leap
Jump before you’re pushed
When push comes to
Shove ha’penny
Half a pound of tuppenny rice

Jack jump over the candlestick
Jumpin’ Jack Flash
Jump for joy
Ode to Joy
To a Nightingale
Sang in Berkeley Square

London Bridge
Is falling down
Here comes your nineteenth
Nervous breakdown
In the tube station at
Midnight is worth two after
You’ve gone

But not forgotten

29 June 2007

Parallel Mirrors

I peer out from the
Concertina corridors,
And – like Alice – step
Through fluid glass, to
Ask myself if the thoughts in
My head are hers too.

24 June 2007


Summer Solstice

I pivot on the
Year’s peak, and face the dark slope
Down to midwinter.

22 June 2007


I shake my head to
Clear the clinging thoughts of you,
But they settle on
My shoulders:
Pale flakes on a dark blue shirt.

18 February 2008

Valentine's Day

A red lollipop – heart-shaped
On a piece of white paper on the pavement.
One perfect, crimp-edged bite is missing:
Another accidental greetings card.

14 February 2008


Silvered by the edging sun -
The brushwork of pilots
On the aching blue.

17 February 2008

A friend recently said that this reminded them of the poem, "High Flight" by John Gillespie Magee, which I certainly knew, so maybe I was subconsciously using it. I particularly remember it, because it was quoted in a film about the Challenger disaster (and President Reagan also quoted part of it in his speech after the disaster). Interestingly enough, if you look it up in Wikipedia, there is a section about how Magee was clearly influenced by other poems when he wrote it, so I don't feel quite as bad!

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of—wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air....
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor even eagle flew—
And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

Breakfast Scene

Above the frosted darkness of the garden,
The pigeon stalls to land on the highest branch,
And is caught – amber-winged –
In the spotlight of dawn.

20 February 2008