Thursday, October 9, 2008


Crisp or soggy.
Dry or wet.
Still or wind-swept.
Blue or grey.
Fresh or humid.
Bright or dull.
Clear or foggy.

Waiting for winter’s certainty.

8 October 2008

This was another creative writing exercise with Paula, but my choice of topic (not evry original, I know!). The day before had been miserable weather-wise, whereas that day was the perfect autumn day, so I was trying to write about the possible contrasts...


The hill.
The arms outstretched.
The wind.
The swirling coat.
The rain.
The cold-trickled face.
The sky.
The open mouth.
The voice crying [in the wilderness]:

8 October 2008

This was a creative writing exercise with Paula, when we met on Wednesday. It was her choice of topic, and my mind was a complete blank! In the end, it was just an image that came to me. Paula found it rather scary, and said it reminded her of Munch's "The Scream". Not sure about the "wilderness" bit, with its obvious religious connotations...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Along the street, I

follow the smiling trail of
rain-sequined photos.

30 September 2008

How could I resist imagining the "back story" to this scene: at least 20 photos of happy people at a party, maybe even a wedding, scattered along the rainy street? I wanted to avoid cliche by directly referring to the drops of rain being like tears on the photos, and hope I have managed that.

An earlier version was:

I follow the trail

of smiling photos along

the rain-sequined street.

But I think the later verison is more evocative. I'm still wondering if I shld just drop the haiku format, in order to say: "I follow the smiling trail etc..."